Sunday, January 31, 2021

The 6 Best Home Battery Storage Systems of 2022

Store heat from multiple sources, for example a heat pump, solar thermal system, and wood-fuelled stove with a back boiler. If your export payments are currently ‘deemed’ at 50% of generation, this will not change with the addition of storage, even though actual exports will be reduced. However, if you get a smart meter fitted this will operate as an export meter. All your export payments from then on should be based on actual metered export, and these payments will reduce if you add storage. In a power outage, a typical home battery should last you for at least a day or two. If you want a battery with the most extended life to cycle the most amount of times, look for lithium iron phosphate batteries.

Furthermore, it must be possible to split the software in such a way that regular software updates are possible. And before the final software release, special validation and often a release process are required. For fuel cell systems, our industry-proven HIL test systems, e.g., based on SCALEXIO technology, include simulators that perform all relevant functions for fuel cell ECU operation. Our ASM portfolio offers suitable fuel cell system models and test environments that can be extended in engineering projects to ensure that you meet all challenges related to the required plant models. If you combine your installation with the benefits of a smarttime of use tariff, you will potentially save even more money.

The 6 Best Home Battery Storage Systems of 2022

Before starting, make sure to have your inverter serial number on hand, which is located on your inverter sticker. Reduced peak hour demand stress - provision of short-term demand response during periods of peak demand reducing the need to inefficiently standing up of short generation assets like diesel generators. It's also an excellent tool if you need to supply electric for outdoor power tools if you're working on an outdoor project. You'll also find it handy for powering items during camping trips or tailgating parties.

For example, storing solar energy in a home energy storage system can be an effective way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The energy generated by solar panels can be stored in a battery for later use. These batteries are an excellent way to reduce the carbon footprint of your home. A home energy storage systemis a battery that stores excess energy and provides power measured in kilowatt hours.

Load Start Capability

Typically, home battery storage systems connect to the power grid and your home’s electric panel to perform two main functions- charging and discharging. Almost 30 different all-electric vehicles that store energy in batteries are now in the marketplace. Larger vehicles like trucks, buses, and even subways and trains can also use battery technology to increase their efficiency and use braking energy to recharge those batteries.

home energy storage systems

They have much shorter useful lives than a lithium-ion battery of a similar capacity, due to having a lower charge cycle, narrowing the environmental-impact gap. In addition, lead is a toxic heavy metal and the sulfuric acid in the electrolyte has a high environmental impact. Because every home is different, there’s no one-size-fits-all system. However, our top pick is the Generac PWRcell for its flexible installation options and power capacity. Our budget pick is the portable Goal Zero Yeti 6000X Solar Generator for backing up critical items while using clean energy, and it doesn't require special installation. The name is instantly recognizable, and its sleek aesthetic means this storage system fits into any design, indoors or out.

Technologies other than batteries

Why should you invest in a solar battery storage system for your home? Here are the top reasons you should consider installing a solar system unit consisting of solar panels and batteries. Solar batteries today function similarly to any rechargeable battery in that the sun’s power recharges them. When the weather is bad, or the solar panels aren’t actively producing power, your home’s system uses the power stored in the batteries. Electricity can be stored in electrical batteries, or it can be converted into heat and stored in a heat battery.

home energy storage systems

With our power HIL systems, we offer ready-to-use solutions for testing any kind of inverter, including the controller and power electronics, at full power. Using real voltages and currents, our systems enable you to complete exceptionally rigorous tests. Our systems behave like a digital twin of the real system and allow for easy configuration with just a few clicks, which significantly reduces setup times. Lithium iron phosphate battery is a replacement for lead-acid batteries, which can be used in energy storage and power fields.

Electric vehicle manufacturers BMW, BYD, Nissan and Tesla market own-brand home energy storage devices to their customers. By 2019, such devices had not followed the price reduction of automotive batteries. Hlcbattery manufactures lithium-ion batteries a powerful LiFePo4 battery product that has the highest capacity in a standard casing available on the market. The highly sophisticated and integrated BMS with very low self-consumption brings safety, functionality and ease of use together in a lightweight and robust casing. The batteries have been specially designed to provide energy for the residential energy storage systems, LCD screens, DIP switch could be optional.

For example, one panel typically is able to power lights, outlets, and small appliances but no large appliances. Two panels generally can accommodate a range, some central air conditioning units, and electric vehicle charging. The units can be wall or floor-mounted, and you can stack up to 10 Powerwalls for whole home backup.

Some things to consider are that in a power outage under a “whole home” setup, you will need to quickly reduce your electricity usage to ensure that you do not drain the battery too fast. An alternative is that your home battery storage system can be configured to power only virtual devices under a “partial home” backup setup. You will not have to manually reduce your electricity usage with a partial home backup, which can prolong the time your virtual devices stay powered during a power outage. Pairing solar with your home battery storage system can provide additional benefits, such as longer-lasting backup power and lower energy bills.

home energy storage systems

•A new fuzzy-logic-based control of a smart home with an air conditioner, an electric vehicle, and an inverter-interfaced battery energy storage system is proposed. Solar energy is used during the day and excess power is stored in the batteries for use during the night. The installation of the system when completed will improve Kulara Water's energy efficiency, reduce power costs and ensure better access to power supply.

Federal Solar Tax Credits for Businesses Department of Energy

Plus, updates you make in 2016 will be eligible for credits when you file next year. You may be able to claim a tax credit for 30% of the cost to install one. Projects starting construction in 2024 and 1 MW or above must meet domestic content requirements or may only receive a refund of 90% of the tax credit. This percentage lowers to 85% for projects starting construction in 2025 and 0% for projects starting construction after 2025. A penalty of 20% may apply where excess payments are requested and made by the IRS. Individuals and for-profit corporations eligible for the ITC and PTC may only use them against federal taxes owed in a given year and therefore the credits are not refundable .

home energy tax credits 2016

Organizations that don’t pay federal taxes, like non-profits or local governments, can take advantage of the tax credits through either direct pay or a transfer of credit. With the 2016 tax filing season coming to a close next week, you may be scrambling to get your return completed or getting ready to file an extension. But in either case, make sure you think about any energy efficiency home improvements you did last year that may qualify for a tax credit. Qualified wind turbine and fuel cell property must be placed into service by Dec. 31, 2016. Hot water heaters and solar electric equipment must be placed in to service by Dec. 31, 2021.

Tax Tips for Energy Savers: Get Money Back for Greening Your Home

Here you’ll find answers to common questions about the Inflation Reduction Act and tax credits for homeowners in Phoenix, Arizona. However, the fuel cell property credit is limited to $500 for each one-half kilowatt of capacity of the property. Projects must begin construction before January 1, 2025 to be eligible for the § 48 investment tax credit. Projects beginning construction on January 1, 2025 or later are only eligible for the § 48E Clean Electricity Investment Tax Credit . Under the rules of this depreciation schedule, taxpayers are allowed to deduct a larger portion of this amount in earlier years, giving them the benefit of a greater immediate reduction in federal tax liability.

home energy tax credits 2016

But there’s no such limit on those who install qualified residential alternative energy equipment, such as solar hot water heaters, geothermal heat pumps and wind turbines in 2016. You can claim up to $500 in total tax credits for eligible improvements, based on 10% of the purchase cost of certain insulation, windows, doors and skylights. The credit is subject to a lifetime cap, so if you’ve already pocketed the max, you’re out of luck. The tax credit for qualified fuel cell property is limited to $500 for each one-half kilowatt of capacity. If your credit is more than the tax you owe, you can carry forward the unused portion of this credit to next year’s tax return.

Equipment Tax Credits for Primary Residences

Whether to choose the ITC or the PTC depends largely on the cost of the project, the amount of sunlight available, and whether it is eligible for any bonus tax credits. Unfortunately, most of these tax credits for upgrading your home’s energy efficiency expired on Dec. 31, 2016. But even if you already filed your return, you may be able to file an amendment to add these tax credits.

Congress renewed the previously expired Residential Energy Efficiency Tax Credit and extended the Residential Renewable Energy Tax Credit for solar energy systems as part of the Consolidated Appropriations Act. A half-year convention is a tax principle that treats equipment as if it were installed in the middle of the tax year , allowing half a year’s depreciation for the first tax year. The half-year convention effectively spreads the five-year MACRS depreciation over six years, with the first year being calculated as half of the 200% declining-balance basis.

Federal Tax Credits: Insulation

There are currently no federal rebates for home energy efficiency upgrades, but you can access rebates here in Arizona through either APS or SRP. A larger tax credit is available for homes that are certified to DOE’s Zero Energy Ready Program, which requires ENERGY STAR certification as a prerequisite. A. In general, traditional roofing materials and structural components do not qualify for the credit.

home energy tax credits 2016

Projects must be completed within four years after receipt of the allocation. To qualify for the credit, the financial benefits of the solar facility must be allocated equitably between the residents. "Metal roofs with appropriate pigmented coatings" and "asphalt roofs with appropriate cooling granules" that also meet ENERGY STAR requirements. Typical bulk insulation products can qualify, such as batts, rolls, blow-in fibers, rigid boards, expanding spray, and pour-in-place. Adding adequate insulation is one of the most cost-effective home improvements that you can do. One exception is a utility rebate for purchasing or installing solar PV at a residence.

The business will continue to claim accelerated depreciation deductions for tax years 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029, and 2030—but the specific depreciation rate will vary by year. Smaller-scale PV projects and CSP projects generally receive more value utilizing the ITC, particularly if they can utilize a low-income bonus, which is not available with a PTC. However, as installed PV and CSP system costs reduce over time , the PTC may become more attractive for all sectors. This tax credit is for ENERGY STAR certified metal and asphalt roofs with pigmented coatings or cooling granules designed to reduce heat gain. Certified roof products reflect more of the sun's rays, which can lower roof surface temperature by up to 100F, decreasing the amount of heat transferred into your home.

home energy tax credits 2016

Depreciation is considered an expense, so having a larger amount to depreciate during the tax year results in a smaller overall tax liability. Projects can still potentially satisfy the continuity safe harbor beyond four years, depending on their individual facts and circumstances, however, because this is not guaranteed, owners may bear additional risk. A partnership between entities eligible for direct payments (e.g. non-profits) and those eligible for transfer of credit (e.g. for-profit companies) makes both parties lose their eligibility to transfer the credit or receive a direct payment. The 1.8 GW program cap will be allocated to projects by the IRS, which can carry over any unused annual allocation for three years.

The PTC, as written, has a full value of 1.5 ¢/kWh in 1992 dollars, but is adjusted each year using “GDP implicit price deflator” published by the Department of Commerce. The reduced “base rate” offered to solar systems that do not meet the prevailing wage and apprenticeship requirements has a value of 0.3 ¢/kWh in 1992 dollars. In the event of rounding, the 1.5 ¢/kWh rate is rounded to the nearest 0.1 cent, while the 0.3 ¢/kWh is rounded to the nearest 0.05 cent. The developer sells the solar system to a tax equity investor who leases the system back to the developer. Building-integrated PV, like solar windows, shingles, or facades, which provide a dual function are eligible for the ITC.

The tax credits are available for existing home and new construction, including principal residences and second homes. The Consolidated Appropriations Act , signed in December 2015, extended the expiration date of tax credits for some energy efficiency measures that previously expired at the end of 2014. The eligible incentives cover residential energy efficiency improvements, builder incentives for energy efficient new homes, and energy efficient new and retrofitted commerical buildings for measures installed by December 31, 2015. The following summarizes available information on Residential Energy Efficient Property credits and Nonbusiness Energy Property credits. The tax credits for residential renewable energy products are now available through December 31, 2023.

Part of this credit is worth 10 percent of the cost of certain qualified energy-saving items you added to your main home last year. Tax credits and deductions both reduce the amount owed in taxes, but differently. A credit, however, directly cuts your tax bill dollar-for-dollar and can even increase the size of your refund.

home energy tax credits 2016

Your 2016 return is the last chance to claim a tax credit for installing energy-efficient windows or making similar energy-saving home improvements. Projects are also eligible if they begin construction less than 60 days after the Treasury Department issues guidance on meeting prevailing wage and apprenticeship labor requirements. Projects must begin construction before January 1, 2025 to be eligible for the § 45 production tax credit. Projects beginning construction on January 1, 2025 or later are only eligible for the § 45Y Clean Electricity Production Tax Credit .

How can tax-exempt organizations benefit?

The ITC and the PTC offer additional credits on top of the credits the project qualifies for based on their labor requirements. It does not constitute professional tax advice or other professional financial guidance and may change based on additional guidance from the Treasury Department. It should not be used as the only source of information when making purchasing decisions, investment decisions, tax decisions, or when executing other binding agreements. Windows, doors and skylights that earn the ENERGY STAR save energy, improve comfort and help protect the environment. Gas powered boilers that are recognized as ENERGY STAR Most Efficient meet the requirements of this tax credit.

home energy tax credits 2016

Equipment Tax Credits for Primary Residences

Just a reminder that the Consumers Energy and DTE rebates are contingent upon the products meeting various energy efficiency factors, and there is also a cap on the funds available each year for these rebates. To receive the tax credits, you will need to fill out IRS Form 5695-Residential Energy Credits. Air conditioners recognized as ENERGY STAR Most Efficient meet the requirements for this tax credit. To verify tax credit eligibility, ask your HVAC contractor to provide the Manufacturer's Certification Statement for the equipment you plan to purchase. All official information related to the tax credit will be determined and published by the IRS. The ENERGY STAR team is committed to keeping our partners informed as the IRS works to develop updated documents and guidance.

home energy tax credits 2016

There are currently no federal rebates for home energy efficiency upgrades, but you can access rebates here in Arizona through either APS or SRP. A larger tax credit is available for homes that are certified to DOE’s Zero Energy Ready Program, which requires ENERGY STAR certification as a prerequisite. A. In general, traditional roofing materials and structural components do not qualify for the credit.

What are the labor requirements for projects?

Because implementing any of these technologies can entail a good deal of planning, you'd be wise to start now to ensure the systems are placed in service by the end of the year. Rebates or cash incentives are paid out more quickly, usually a few weeks after the project is completed. If you're planning a renewable home energy project, such as installing a geothermal heat pump, small solar energy system, small wind energy system, or fuel cell property, those tax credits have also recently been modified. The production tax credit is a per kilowatt-hour tax credit for electricity generated by solar and other qualifying technologies for the first 10 years of a system’s operation. It reduces the federal income tax liability and is adjusted annually for inflation. This means that any qualified efficiency updates you made in 2015 are eligible for credits when you file your taxes in the coming months.

home energy tax credits 2016

And it doesn't need to be a replacement either - installing a new window where there wasn't one previously qualifies. Please note that qualifying property must meet the applicable standards in the law. Finally, check out one of our previous blog entries for more on the various incentives and financing optionsthat you should explore when taking on a large home energy project. No more than 20% of the eligible value of the solar system can be classified as used equipment.

Are there other incentives for solar purchases? How do they change tax credit calculations?

Plus, updates you make in 2016 will be eligible for credits when you file next year. You may be able to claim a tax credit for 30% of the cost to install one. Projects starting construction in 2024 and 1 MW or above must meet domestic content requirements or may only receive a refund of 90% of the tax credit. This percentage lowers to 85% for projects starting construction in 2025 and 0% for projects starting construction after 2025. A penalty of 20% may apply where excess payments are requested and made by the IRS. Individuals and for-profit corporations eligible for the ITC and PTC may only use them against federal taxes owed in a given year and therefore the credits are not refundable .

home energy tax credits 2016

The ITC and the PTC offer additional credits on top of the credits the project qualifies for based on their labor requirements. It does not constitute professional tax advice or other professional financial guidance and may change based on additional guidance from the Treasury Department. It should not be used as the only source of information when making purchasing decisions, investment decisions, tax decisions, or when executing other binding agreements. Windows, doors and skylights that earn the ENERGY STAR save energy, improve comfort and help protect the environment. Gas powered boilers that are recognized as ENERGY STAR Most Efficient meet the requirements of this tax credit.

Q. Is a roof eligible for the residential energy efficient property tax credit?

The business will continue to claim accelerated depreciation deductions for tax years 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029, and 2030—but the specific depreciation rate will vary by year. Smaller-scale PV projects and CSP projects generally receive more value utilizing the ITC, particularly if they can utilize a low-income bonus, which is not available with a PTC. However, as installed PV and CSP system costs reduce over time , the PTC may become more attractive for all sectors. This tax credit is for ENERGY STAR certified metal and asphalt roofs with pigmented coatings or cooling granules designed to reduce heat gain. Certified roof products reflect more of the sun's rays, which can lower roof surface temperature by up to 100F, decreasing the amount of heat transferred into your home.

home energy tax credits 2016

Renewable energy tax credits for fuel cells, small wind turbines, and geothermal heat pumps now feature a gradual step down in the credit value, the same as those for solar energy systems. As of 2021, biomass fuel stoves are included in tax credits for residential renewable energy products. These tax credits, which the IRS calls “residential energy efficient property credits,” apply to allresidential properties—not just older homes or main digs. Even better, there’s no upper limit to this tax credit, so you can really save a bundle. There has been no change in the tax credits for fuel cell property, small wind energy property, and geothermal heat pumps. The tax credits are for 30% of qualified expenditures, with no maximum credit , and they expire at the end of 2016.

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A nonrefundable tax credit allows taxpayers to lower their tax liability to zero, but not below zero. Tax credits for residential energy efficiencyand those for builders of energy efficient homeswere extended retroactively, through December 31, 2022. Tax deductions forenergy efficient commercial buildingsallowed under Section 179D of the Internal Revenue Code were made permanent under the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021.

Starting in 2023, you can claim up to 30% (a maximum of $1,200 each year) for energy upgrades like adding insulation or swapping out windows and doors. Manufactured Homes - $2,500 available for ENERGY STAR certified manufactured homes meeting the most recent ENERGY STAR Manufactured New Homes program requirements (currently Version 2, with Version 2.1 currently proposed to be implemented in May 2023). Generally, owners of property placed in service after 1986 use the Modified Accelerated Cost-Recovery System in the U.S. tax code to calculate asset depreciation.

A business with a solar PV system placed in service between January 1, 2018, and December 31, 2022, can elect to claim a 100% bonus depreciation. Starting in 2023, the percentage of capital equipment that can be expensed immediately drops 20% per year (e.g., 80% in 2023 and 60% in 2024) until the provision drops to 0% in 2027. In addition, a certain percentage of the total construction labor hours for a project must be performed by an apprentice. The percentage increases over time, starting at 10% for projects beginning construction in 2022, 12.5% for projects beginning construction in 2023, and 15% for projects beginning construction after 2023. This tax credit is 30 percent of the cost of alternative energy equipment installed on or in your home.

home energy tax credits 2016

Projects entering construction in 2035, the third year, qualify for 50% of their full value. Therefore, now is the time to ensure that you have completed all of the energy-efficient upgrades to your home. In the case of property placed in service after December 31, 2022, and before January 1, 2024, 22%. In the case of property placed in service after December 31, 2019, and before January 1, 2023, 26%.

The tax credits are available for existing home and new construction, including principal residences and second homes. The Consolidated Appropriations Act , signed in December 2015, extended the expiration date of tax credits for some energy efficiency measures that previously expired at the end of 2014. The eligible incentives cover residential energy efficiency improvements, builder incentives for energy efficient new homes, and energy efficient new and retrofitted commerical buildings for measures installed by December 31, 2015. The following summarizes available information on Residential Energy Efficient Property credits and Nonbusiness Energy Property credits. The tax credits for residential renewable energy products are now available through December 31, 2023.

Saturday, January 30, 2021

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The Rothschilds already possessed a significant fortune before the start of the Napoleonic Wars (1803–1815), and the family had gained preeminence in the bullion trade by this time. It was written by Skagit Valley Herald on January 24th, 2013 that Robert Eugene Hart passed on in Mount Vernon, Washington. Hart was 82 years old and was born in Hitchcock, SD. Send flowers to express your sorrow and honor Robert Eugene's life.

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Stephen R. Braun, age 72, of Glenwood, and formerly of Coon Rapids, died Saturday, November 12, 2022, at home, surrounded by family and under the care of Glacial Ridge Hospice. Gary Morris, age 70 of Glenwood died at home Tuesday, November 22,2022 under the care of hospice. Gary Lynn Morris, the second son of Beatrice and Oral “Ted” Morris, was born January 22, 1952 in St. Peter, Minnesota. He grew up in St. Peter where he attended high school and graduated from St. Peter High School in 1970. After high school, Gary furthered his education at Mankato State in Mankato, Minnesota.

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The second French branch was founded by Nathaniel de Rothschild (1812–1870). Born in London, he was the fourth child of the founder of the British branch of the family, Nathan Mayer Rothschild (1777–1836). In 1850 Nathaniel Rothschild moved to Paris to work with his uncle James Mayer Rothschild. In 1853 Nathaniel acquired Château Brane Mouton, a vineyard in Pauillac in the Gironde département.

The professional, devoted staff can assist you in making memorial service service plans, funeral arranging, and assist you through cremation choices. Michael D. Wink, age 73, of Villard, MN, died Thursday, October 27, 2022, at his home surrounded by family and under the care of Glacial Ridge Hospice. On Friday, November 18th at St. John’s Lutheran Church in Villard, with Rev. Ryan Pumphrey officiating.

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At Hickcox Funeral Home we believe in paying personal and meticulous attention to each and every detail of your funeral. We are proud of our long standing tradition of service to our community. Our family is honored to serve your family in their time of deepest need and lighten your burden at this difficult time. We offer a wide range of services to meet your family's needs and customs. By listening to you and your wishes we can help plan a celebration consistent with your expectations.

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A burial vault is required for most cemeteries, but you may choose to purchase one online or elsewhere, if you'd wish. You may choose to purchase a casket online or elsewhere, if you'd wish. This is the fee to transport your loved one from the funeral home to funeral events in a hearse. This is the fee for the funeral home to come pick up your loved one and bring him/her to the funeral home for preparation. Have flowers from a local florist delivered to an upcoming service.

Jewish identity and positions on Zionism

Another Nazi film, Die Rothschilds , was directed by Erich Waschneck in 1940. A Broadway musical entitled The Rothschilds, covering the history of the family up to 1818, was nominated for a Tony Award in 1971. Nathaniel Mayer ("Natty") Rothschild, 1st Baron Rothschild appears as a minor character in the historical-mystery novel Stone's Fall, by Iain Pears. Mayer Rothschild is featured in Diana Gabaldon's novel Voyager as a coin seller summoned to Le Havre by Jamie Fraser to appraise coins, prior to the establishment of the Rothschild dynasty, when Mayer is in his early 20s.

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Despite having their bank restored to them at the end of the war, the French Rothschilds were powerless in 1982 as the family business was nationalised by the socialist government of newly elected President François Mitterrand. The rise of Nazi Germany in the 1930s led to a precarious situation for the Austrian Rothschilds under the annexation of Austria in 1937 when the family was pressured to sell its banking operations at a fraction of its real worth. While other Rothschilds had escaped the Nazis, Louis Rothschild was imprisoned for a year and only released after a substantial ransom was paid by his family. After Louis was allowed to leave the country in March 1939, the Nazis placed the firm of S M von Rothschild under compulsory administration. Nazi officers and senior staff from Austrian museums also emptied the Rothschild family estates of all their valuables. Following the war, the Austrian Rothschilds were unable to reclaim much of their former assets and properties.

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He chose to take temporary sanctuary in Gaeta with the last Neapolitan king, Francis II of the Two Sicilies. However, the Rothschild branches in London, Paris, and Vienna were not prepared nor willing to financially support the deposed king. With the ensuing unification of Italy, and the mounting tension between Adolph and the rest of the family, the Naples house closed in 1863 after forty-two years in business. The brothers helped coordinate Rothschild activities across the continent, and the family developed a network of agents, shippers and couriers to transport gold across war-torn Europe.

Ever Loved's funeral marketplace makes it easy to purchase caskets, urns and more directly from independent sellers at great prices. This is the fee for the services the funeral home will provide during a graveside service. This is generally required if you will be needing any assistance from the staff for the service. Diane Arnsdorf-Cordes, age 59, of Glenwood, died Monday, November 14, 2022 at home after a valiantly fought battle with ovarian cancer over the past seven years.

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His nephew, Victor, Lord Rothschild was against granting asylum or helping Jewish refugees in 1938. A former Rothschild family house, at the site of Château de la Muette, Paris. Built as a family residence by the secondary branch of the French Rothschild family, today it houses the headquarters of the OECD. The first was the branch of James Mayer de Rothschild (1792–1868), known as "James", who established de Rothschild Frères in Paris; he married his niece Betty von Rothschild.

Following the Napoleonic Wars, he played a major role in financing the construction of railways and the mining business that helped make France an industrial power. By 1980, the Paris business employed about 2,000 people and had an annual turnover of 26 billion francs (€4.13 billion or $5 billion in the currency rates of 1980). Château de Ferrières, the largest château of the 19th century, was built in 1854. It was charitably donated by the family to the University of Paris in 1975.

The group has €100bn of assets in 2008 and owns many wine properties in France (Château Clarke, Château des Laurets), in Australia or in South Africa. In 1961, the 35-year-old Edmond Adolphe de Rothschild purchased the company Club Med, after he had visited a resort and enjoyed his stay. In 1973, he bought out the Bank of California, selling his interests in 1984 before it was sold to Mitsubishi Bank in 1985. The system of the five brothers and their successor sons would all but disappear by World War I.

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We strive to be a lifestyle solution company that resonates with increasingly diverse customer lifestyles and offers improved quality of life. Please select atleast one option or provide feedback in the text field. Narendra Modi today inaugurated the manufacturing plant of Hitachi Home and Life Solutions at Kadi here. India jumped two places to rank number 9 in this year's AT Kearney Foreign Direct Investment Confidence Index.

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Stay updated with the latest block and bulk deals to gauge big investor mood and also keep an eye on what Insiders are doing. Promoters pledge remained unchanged at 32.32% of holdings in Sep 2022 qtr. Shareholding PatternPromoters pledge remained unchanged at 32.32% of holdings in Sep 2022 qtr. A promoter group firm of Hitachi Home and Life Solution will acquire 72.41 per cent stake in the company for over Rs 1,616 crore. The operating margin for companies such as Maruti Suzuki gets impacted by basis points with every 1% rise in the value of yen.

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Narendra Modi inaugurates Hitachi manufacturing unit

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Find out how a company stacks up against peers and within the sector. The project, which is being developed by utility Ontario Power Generation in Darlington, Ontario, will be the first commercial grid-scale SMR in the Group of Seven wealthy nations , according to the minister's spokesperson. The funding, offered as low-interest debt from the Canada Infrastructure Bank's pool earmarked for clean power investments, would go toward preparation work required prior to nuclear construction, including project design and site preparation. The S&P BSE Sensex plunged over 200 points in trade on Friday tracking muted trend seen in other Asian markets.

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Indian markets are expected to trade in a range. Here is a list of fourteen stocks which are likely to remain in focus today. Earlier in the day, Johnson Controls and Hitachi and Hitachi Appliances entered into a definitive agreement to form a global joint venture. As per the agreement, Johnson Controls will obtain a 60 per cent ownership in Hitachi Appliances. The deal excludes sales and service operations in Japan. There are another more than 30,000 microwave ovens, AC and washing machines which needs repair at a time when Indians are locked indoors and doing household chores themselves due to the lockdown.

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When contacted, Datta confirmed his appointment at IFB. But he declined to share further details on his new role. Besides, the company is also endeavouring to promote and push 'Made in India' ACs and aims to reduce its component imports to almost to half and increase exports three folds in the next three years.

Find out how a company stacks up against peers and within the sector. The project, which is being developed by utility Ontario Power Generation in Darlington, Ontario, will be the first commercial grid-scale SMR in the Group of Seven wealthy nations , according to the minister's spokesperson. The funding, offered as low-interest debt from the Canada Infrastructure Bank's pool earmarked for clean power investments, would go toward preparation work required prior to nuclear construction, including project design and site preparation. The S&P BSE Sensex plunged over 200 points in trade on Friday tracking muted trend seen in other Asian markets.

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Stay updated with the latest block and bulk deals to gauge big investor mood and also keep an eye on what Insiders are doing. Promoters pledge remained unchanged at 32.32% of holdings in Sep 2022 qtr. Shareholding PatternPromoters pledge remained unchanged at 32.32% of holdings in Sep 2022 qtr. A promoter group firm of Hitachi Home and Life Solution will acquire 72.41 per cent stake in the company for over Rs 1,616 crore. The operating margin for companies such as Maruti Suzuki gets impacted by basis points with every 1% rise in the value of yen.

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Japanese companies listed on Indian exchanges are seen heading for challenging times on D-Street, after the Japanese Yen rose to an 18-month high against the US Dollar on Tuesday. AC makers also hope that slightly higher temperatures this summer, as predicted by the Met department, will push sales in the coming months. The best performing air conditioners that are more suitable for office space and halls and large rooms offer perfect cooling with smart sensors and more power all while maintaining higher efficiency and reducing operational cost. Read the many different features and choose your ideal cooling appliance.

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The fall in the index was led by losses in HDFC, HDFC Bank, ICICI bank, and Axis Bank. Keep a tab on promoter holdings along with pledge details. Get all the information on mutual fund schemes and the names of institutions which invested in a company. Make an informed investment decision with advanced AI-based features like SWOT analysis, investment checklist, technical ratings and know how fairly the company is valued.

Indian markets are expected to trade in a range. Here is a list of fourteen stocks which are likely to remain in focus today. Earlier in the day, Johnson Controls and Hitachi and Hitachi Appliances entered into a definitive agreement to form a global joint venture. As per the agreement, Johnson Controls will obtain a 60 per cent ownership in Hitachi Appliances. The deal excludes sales and service operations in Japan. There are another more than 30,000 microwave ovens, AC and washing machines which needs repair at a time when Indians are locked indoors and doing household chores themselves due to the lockdown.

Hitachi Appliances Inc

We Provide Best stock tips for Hitachi Home & Life Solutions Ltd. A1 Intraday Tips is accurate share tips Provider Company in India in Nse market. A1 Intraday Tips, also provide Daily Charts with Nse Share Market current price of Hitachi Home & Life Solutions Ltd with today performance in nse market. An analysis of stocks based on price performance, financials, the Piotroski score and shareholding.

We strive to be a lifestyle solution company that resonates with increasingly diverse customer lifestyles and offers improved quality of life. Please select atleast one option or provide feedback in the text field. Narendra Modi today inaugurated the manufacturing plant of Hitachi Home and Life Solutions at Kadi here. India jumped two places to rank number 9 in this year's AT Kearney Foreign Direct Investment Confidence Index.

Advanced charts with more than 100 technical indicators, tools and studies will give you the edge, making it easier to negotiate the market and its swings. Company analysis giving insights of fundamentals, earnings, relative valuations, risk, price momentum and inside trading. "This is a part of Hitachi's transition to an 'autonomous decentralised global management structure' in which each region is able to lead its business autonomously."

hitachi home appliances share price

Investors who got their thesis right must have been able to pick at least some of these 45 stocks. The industry has gone for a price hike last quarter to mitigate the impact of soaring prices of components, metals especially copper and aluminium and rising crude oil after the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Companies are also luring the customers with offers and easy EMI schemes to make their purchases convenient. The latest range of air conditioners from the brand features an immersive display with the highest level of craftsmanship, and ambience light to make it easier for you to set the perfect room temperature.

Friday, January 29, 2021

101 Best Unisex Gifts: The Ultimate List 2022

The included crush-proof balls are light and durable, and are just the right size for your little one’s hands to grasp, toss, and explore! This 400-piece ball pit from Balu Organics is straight out of Chuck E. Cheese but without all the other kids’ germs. Keep it nice and sanitary with your very own ball pit that comes in a gender-neutral gray, pink or blue. The balls also come in many different colors by the 100-pack, so for the large pit, parents can mix and match with gray, pink, blue, white or clear. If your brother is always dumping Franks all over his food, give him this gift set to satisfy the need for heat.

Found something you love but want to make it even more uniquely you? Many sellers on Etsy offer personalized, made-to-order items. Consider adding some cool succulents to the mix and they’ll have days of creativity creating their plant environment as well as years of enjoyment nurturing it. If they can’t have cats or dogs in their apartment, a pet fish can help make their space feel more like a home.

ERL Orange Knit Mesh Socks

This night light also has a light sensor so it won’t turn on during the day and will only switch on when it’s dark. You can choose from 16 different colors for your toilet glow or you can have them rotate through the rainbow. You can even adjust the brightness level of the LED light to control how dim or bright you want it. It’s waterproof, dustproof, and durable so it’s tough enough to take with you into the outdoors and small enough to store in your glove box or bag. Clearly, teens are probably the most gender sensitive, so it's easy to make a bad choice without even realizing it.

cool unisex gift ideas

Ladder Ball is another fun outdoor game that can be played by anyone of any age. This set comes with six soft rubber bolos for throwing, plus the ladders, and a handy carrying bag. Break up the set and use them for fun stocking stuffers, especially because their packaging is clever and cute, or give them as an affordable gift that will keep you under budget this season. If you’d rather give sets that address specific people’s needs, these sheet masks from FaceTory are incredibly popular as well.

Sisu Finnish Finland Pride determination hard work Nordic pride heritage gift under 30 Short-Sleeve Unisex T-Shirt Tee

Candle gift sets are a wonderful way to give someone hours of relaxation and peaceful pleasure. For the littlest ones on your gift list, this adorable bath gift set is the perfect way to teach them to love water and their sea creature friends both in and out of the tub. Bath time is more fun when you get scrubbed up with a pretty mermaid hand puppet bath mitt. Fun for kids and kids at heart, this mini-Frisbee golf set is a great family gift everyone will love to play.

We also love that Smart Sheep is a women-founded company that makes its dryer balls in Nepal using fair trade practices. While pet care may not be the typical present, it is surely unique and much appreciated by all the pet parents who look after their animals. Plus, you can easily gift the membership with your choice of adorable e-cards on the site, with holiday images like the pup above. One of GCDS’s many 2021 holiday gift boxes, this logo loungeris the all-in-one kit for those who love to relax.

Scentered Daily Ritual Aromatherapy Balm Gift Set

The easy-access front compartment features an integrated padded sleeve for up to a sizeable laptop, plus zippered mesh pockets for any last-minute carry on items. This Mini Sea Life Zen Garden is as relaxing as a nice day at the beach and features sea creatures, shells and stones to create your mental beach getaway. Add even more personality to your Zen garden with these Mini Zen Garden Sand Stamps. The promise of Spring is filled with the sounds and sights of the littlest birds flocking to feeders as they await the first flower blossoms. Your gift of this beautifully hand blown glass hummingbird feeder can encourage their arrival even sooner.

They have a newly designed rounded top with smooth edges that are easy on your teeth and lips. They bend at the perfect tilt for drinking, and using them is an eco-friendly idea anyone can get on board with. Since they’re made of durable stainless steel, they’re also dishwasher safe, which your giftee will love. A set of good quality garden tools are essential for anyone with a yard or who even does planter gardening. This top quality garden gift set features all the necessary tools and accessories to make playing in the dirt a really fun time.

Once everyone has a gift, the first person gets the opportunity to steal a present from someone else. If they decide to keep their original gift, the game is over. If they steal, it ends when someone else finally declines to steal a gift. Road trips and plane rides can be far more entertaining with the Magnetic Chess Set from Kaile. The compact board game folds up to just 10 inches by 10 inches, and the pieces stick to the magnetic face, so they won’t need to worry about a jostled board or flying pieces. And for those without a penchant for chess, the interior side of the case also features a small backgammon set, so they can swap between games just by unfolding the board.

cool unisex gift ideas

MasterClass brings A-list celebrities at the top of their game right to you, teaching their unique skill to you via videos on the MasterClass platform. From cooking with Gordon Ramsay to scientific thinking with Neil deGrasse Tyson, there are over 90 different classes with more being added all the time. An added bonus, you can upload your notes to Google Drive, Dropbox, Slack, and more, so don’t worry when it’s time to wipe the page and start over.

The tray can extend up to 43 inches, so they can tailor the size to suit their unique tub. It also comes equipped with a book or tablet holder and a waterproof design that’s bathtub-friendly. Any recipient will be lucky to add this caddy to their self-care regimen. This cutesy clip on book light will illuminate the pages of their current read, whether they’re reading in bed next to a slumbering partner or journaling into the night near a roomie. It comes in either a frog or smiling flower style for some extra fun. A rechargeable lighter is a unique and practical gift to bring to a white elephant get-together.

cool unisex gift ideas

This Bee’s Wrap lunch kit is an eco-friendly gift that they’ll use again and again. It comes with one sandwich wrap and two medium food wraps printed in an adorable bears and bees pattern. These wraps can be used time and again to cover food bowls and other food items. They’re hand washable and can be reused until they’re ready to be composted.

This metallic pashmina scarf is big – 70 inches long x 27 inches wide. Metallic threads give this scarf an added bit of sheen and elegance, which a gorgeous pattern in black, tan, cream and gray makes it the perfect complement to all her winter neutrals. It makes six perfectly cooked eggs in less time than it takes to boil water. They can make omelets, scrambles and poached and soft boiled eggs too.

33 Truly Unique and Unexpected White Elephant Gifts

They are re-usable and not as expensive as some other models. This is without question, a fun unique present to give someone. A good idea for coed Yankee Swap, no matter who receives this item during the exchange, it will surely be worth displaying for others to see.

Road trips and plane rides can be far more entertaining with the Magnetic Chess Set from Kaile. The compact board game folds up to just 10 inches by 10 inches, and the pieces stick to the magnetic face, so they won’t need to worry about a jostled board or flying pieces. And for those without a penchant for chess, the interior side of the case also features a small backgammon set, so they can swap between games just by unfolding the board. No need to head outside to stargaze—this LED Moon Lamp brings the night sky indoors. The remote control allows them to toggle between 16 brilliant colors, adjust the brightness of the light, and select flash, fade, or strobe modes.

Proof That Yankee Swaps Suck Ornament/Grab Bag Gift

While many of the items on Etsy are handmade, you’ll also find craft supplies, digital items, and more. This website is full of fun, unique, and thoughtful ways to make someone’s day. If you're new here, be sure to Start Here for an overview of all our best content. We’re convinced that we’ve provided you with a great and comprehensive list of the best available Yankee swap gifts out.

cool yankee swap gift ideas

When your friend misplaces an item, they can use the Find My app on their iPhone to see where it is and quickly locate it for peace of mind. And for anyone who has lost their luggage before, an AirTag will offer some serious peace of mind with the ability to know where a checked bag is at all times. Just note that this feature is only available for Apple users, so Android fans won't get much functionality out of this gadget. This punny tea infuser perches right at the edge of your mug so you can enjoy a perfectly brewed cuppa. It's dishwasher-safe for easy cleaning, and microwave-safe so you can quickly reheat it in case you forget about your tea. We do want to point out that this infuser works best with loose-leaf teas—the contents of tea bags are usually finer and smaller, so they may seep out of the Manatea Tea Infuser.

For more light: An LED beanie

All you have to do is toss all the ingredients into the bottle and shake. The silicone spout makes it easy to pour the mixture, and it's heat-proof just in case it gets too close to the pan. Whoever gets the FoodVille MF05 Electric Milk Frother will never have to go to a fancy coffee shop and pay upwards of $7 for a foamy latte again. This two-speed device stirs up your choice of milk into a frothy delight that appeases coffee snobs and Starbucks lovers alike. We also like that it's rechargeable, so there's no need to buy batteries—simply plug the USB cable into your computer or a wall adapter. It also comes with a dainty stand so you can keep it on your kitchen countertop.

cool yankee swap gift ideas

Those extreme foodie Yankees who also love cooking will find this wooden cutting board gift very useful. It will help them in chopping all kinds of fruits, vegetables, and meat comfortably.

I Will Do Absolutely Nothing Cute Sloth Coffee Mug

Each person chooses a random gift and opens it according to the order of the number they were given. Each new gift recipient then gets to choose if they wish to keep their present or exchange it with someone else for any of the other gifts that were previously opened. Once all the unwrapping and swapping is done, the first person gets the final choice of whether to keep their gift, or swap for any of the others. At this point, everyone gets to keep whatever gift they are holding. If they’re the office clown or want to make people laugh, they can turn this on and listen to the song of the mountains.

This sarcastic and super funny mug is the perfect gift to make any co-worker laugh. The perfect little mug for that #GirlBoss starting her day with a hot cup of coffee. However, it is actually one of the most useful gifts to get people these days given so much uncertainties that people have gone through in recent years.

You Are a Badass 2023 Day-to-Day Calendar

Packaged in a pack of 5 pcs in size variations of 200g, 75g, and 50g. Must have a cooling bag for the avid New York Yankees fans to carry cold drinks while going for watching a live baseball match along with their best buddies. This table organizer features a special MLB helmet design that makes it a perfect gift for the New York Yankees. It’s ideal for holding loose pencils, scales, and other small stationery items in a precise form.

cool yankee swap gift ideas

A fantastic gift for the NY Yankees fans to stay cozy and warm in this throw blanket for enjoying watching their favorite baseball team in action. It’s made of polyester material that’s safe to machine wash. Whoever selected “1” gets to pick a gift first, unwrapping it in front of everyone so all can see what’s inside. During each subsequent person’s turn, they have the option to pick a wrapped gift or “steal” one from someone else. To keep things moving, only three steals are allowed per gift. Once everyone has a gift, the first person gets the opportunity to steal a present from someone else.

They can achieve salon-worthy curls sans heat damage with the viral Satin Heatless Curling Set from Kitsch. Whether they’re a hairstyling pro or a novice looking to add some easy styles to their repertoire, this set makes curling hassle-free. Most planners are used for jotting down due dates, doctor visits, and birthdays, but this one from Clever Fox takes things up a notch. Not only does it help keep track of to-dos and habits, but it also provides space for planning out life goals. The weekly and monthly pages prompt you to write down short-term goals, wins, and plans for improvement. It's an amazing resource for those looking to organize all aspects of their life and keep themselves on track to reach their goals.

cool yankee swap gift ideas

The kit includes a mini spade knife for hard cheese, a mini fork to chuck cheese, a narrow plane knife for semi-hard and soft cheese, and a spreading knife for crumbly cheese. Whether they’re hosting an intimate get-together or crafting a personal cheese board, these knives will upgrade their at-home fromagerie. This lens kit will seriously upgrade the recipient's phone photography game, whether they're an iPhone or Android user. It includes a wide-angle lens, which is perfect for nailing that cinematic look, and a macro lens for detailed, close-up shots. The kit also comes with a clip-on LED light for taking photos in the dark—and it's rechargeable via USB.

Finding a white elephant gift can be tricky since you have to find an item that appeals to a range of personalities and stays within a typically small budget. This is what I come with you today with a list of white elephant gift ideas full of items that embrace the creativity and freedom that are core to the event. My list includes a balance of the practical and the absurd. All of the items serve, in one way or another, to enhance the overall fun atmosphere of the white elephant exchange. Here, the best white elephant gift ideas to spark some friendly competition at your next gift exchange. While you might be tempted to go with a gag gift, it’s always better to spend money on something useful.

cool yankee swap gift ideas

There is no point system — just follow the cards' instructions and try not to be the one taking the most sips. For the coffee obsessive in your life, consider this wonderful device that'll let them take their delectable French press coffee on the go. This durable mug holds 15 ounces of caffeinated goodness, is safe for the dishwasher, and comes with a spill-resistant lid. Smart lights add such a nice touch to a home, and this one is especially great because it's both multicolor and dimmable.

49 Best Yankee Swap Ideas yankee swap gift, yankees, white elephant gifts

They can keep it on their desk or nightstand and may never lose their glasses again! Made from hand-carved shisham wood, it’s durable and stylish, if not a bit strange. The best thing about a Yankee Swap gift exchange is that, well, it’s kind of like insurance. If the other Yankee swap gifts are lackluster and don’t do it for you, then you know you can always fall back on what you brought to the table. The yearend celebrations are a great time to bond over some fun activities and games. Also an appropriate camping idea, you can add life to the party by giving this Shocktato game.

cool yankee swap gift ideas

There are a ton of different versions, including some Christmas-themed ones. Would be a great way to present him with his favorite bottle of liquor or wine! Watching this little thing spin on sunny days brings me great joy, and also people will probably be really confused when they unwrap this, prompting good conversation.

Golf Ball Markers Middle Finger Adult Humor Set of 4 | Dirty Gift for Golfer | Swear Funny Yankee Swap | Poker Chip Size

This clever device comes with several other features that make it a useful tool for self-defence and among the best and nice women’s Yankee Swap gift ideas. Have a good time playing this game with your friends especially if the participants are adults. An alcohol themed gift swap idea with lots of outrageous demands, surprises and unimaginable outcomes, it is sure to get everyone out of their shell and feeling tipsy. This one is great if you want to get a good laugh, though it’s not the most practical gift. They’re called nice balls, and they’re to help relieve stress.

It is popular activity that is played in holiday parties especially in the Northeast of United States. This game offers a way to understand some of each other’s traits, likes, dislikes and hobbies without that feeling that you are being interrogated. It can be given as part of dice game gift ideas to incorporate more fun game activities. This will make an out of the box funny present swap idea that a lover of both pizza and colorful socks will find hilarious.

Hot Seat Card Game

Packaged in a pack of 5 pcs in size variations of 200g, 75g, and 50g. Must have a cooling bag for the avid New York Yankees fans to carry cold drinks while going for watching a live baseball match along with their best buddies. This table organizer features a special MLB helmet design that makes it a perfect gift for the New York Yankees. It’s ideal for holding loose pencils, scales, and other small stationery items in a precise form.

Road trips and plane rides can be far more entertaining with the Magnetic Chess Set from Kaile. The compact board game folds up to just 10 inches by 10 inches, and the pieces stick to the magnetic face, so they won’t need to worry about a jostled board or flying pieces. And for those without a penchant for chess, the interior side of the case also features a small backgammon set, so they can swap between games just by unfolding the board. No need to head outside to stargaze—this LED Moon Lamp brings the night sky indoors. The remote control allows them to toggle between 16 brilliant colors, adjust the brightness of the light, and select flash, fade, or strobe modes.

Yankee Swap Gifts That Everyone Will Fight For

It’s not just a mug, it’s a mug with an attitude, and it’s perfect for mornings when a statement needs to be made without getting in trouble. This tiny rechargeable desktop vacuum cleaner can help keep anyone’s office space clean and organized. It’s equipped with two gears for maximum suction and a storage compartment to store all those crumbs, pet hairs, coffee grounds, and whatever else finds its way onto a desk. This travel mug could be telling the truth, or it could also just be coffee.

cool yankee swap gift ideas

To give you some ideas, we spent hours researching and compiling a variety of fun and clever gifts. We also consulted Jodi R. R. Smith, etiquette expert and author at Mannersmith, for more advice on how to choose the perfect white elephant gift. It consists of 200 questions based on events that usually happen in almost every kid’s life. So one of the best Yankee swap gift ideas on their birthday or friendship day to recall those precious childhood memories in a fun way. This article was written by Jen Woo, a design, lifestyle, and culture writer and content strategist with over 10 years of experience. To write this article, she spent hours researching white elephant gift ideas to make the best possible recommendations.

They can be mounted to the bottom of a desk to be squeezed whenever the receiver needs to let the stress out. It’s a hilarious gift, though, I would avoid giving this at office yankee swaps. Cool Yankee swap gift idea to have a refreshing drink anytime anywhere because of this awesome fruit infuser water bottle. It comes along with a recipe book to try out different drinks.

It can also blend drinks directly in its travel bottle , which means there's minimal cleanup. Below, find more than 50 unique gift options for under $50 that people will actually be happy to receive. Then there are the not-so-intuitive gift-givers who've maybe leaned on the same scented candle or gift basket a few too many times. Yes, some people possess an innate talent for thoughtful gift-giving on a budget. No matter the occasion (anniversary, Valentine's Day, Mother's Day) or recipient (wife, boyfriend, teens, in-laws), they somehow nail it every time.

Pass the Present / Gift Game - Digital

Candles are nice, but essential oil diffusers are simply a better form of aromatherapy for some people. Just keep in mind that you will need to purchase essential oils separately to take advantage of this diffuser. A good laptop case is hard to come by—you want something that looks nice, is functional, and will protect your laptop without being too bulky or frilly. The Baggu Puffy Laptop Sleeve has a lightweight quilted design and comes in a variety of bold and funky pattern options. It has a velcro enclosure that makes it easy to quickly slide your laptop in and out.

cool yankee swap gift ideas

It is loaded with the wittiest creative motivational quotes making this calendar the perfect pick me up to have in our day-to-day accessories. With an inbuilt microphone, it also acts as a speakerphone and is certainly among the top Christmas gifts for parents. Among its light modes is the ambient theme which allows one to choose from three brightness levels to suit the current mood. Its smooth shiny glass top gives it a sleek look and makes it easy to clean.

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